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Part Number: 6-3000 Description: 10 Mil Teflon/Fiberglass

Color: Tan
Nominal OAG: 0.010" +/-
Plies: 1
Fabric: Fiberglass
Minimum Pulley Diameter: <12" = 3", 12"-30" = 6", 30"-60" = 8", >60" = 10"
View Profile Minimum Pulley Diameter Chart
Top Surface: Smooth Teflon
Bottom Surface: Smooth Teflon
Compound: Teflon/Fiberglass
Work Tension: 250 x 200 lbs/in.
Elongation: Less that 3%
Weight P.I.W. / Ft.: .01 Lbs/PIW
Working Temperature: -200F to 550F
FDA Accepted: Yes
Joining Method: Lacing; Butt Splice

Features: Anywhere high heat resistance is needed teflon/fiberglass is excellent for conveying. This product is non-adhesive. It is generally alligator laced (as depicted in the image) or butt spliced.

Applications: This product is used in Food Processing, Packaging and Bag Manufacture as well as other applications.

* The data specified above are approximate values dependent on belt dimensions, application and environment.