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Part Number: 1-7005 Description: R2W Poli-Glide 8M/BR/BR

Color: White
Nominal OAG: 0.065" +/- .010
Plies: 2
Fabric: Polyester
Minimum Pulley Diameter: 1"
View Profile Minimum Pulley Diameter Chart
Top Surface: Urethane Impregnation
Bottom Surface: Urethane Impregnation
Compound: PVC
View Chemical Resistance Chart
Work Tension: 50 lbs. PIW
Elongation: Leass than 1%
Weight P.I.W. / Ft.: .032 lbs.
Working Temperature: 20F to 180F
FDA Accepted: Yes
Joining Method: Finger Splice; Lap Splice; Lacing
View Lacing Selection Chart

Features: The bare x bare polyester construction offers low friction on both sides of this belt. The belt is laterally stable and flexible. It is ideal for accumulating and picking belts with or without diverters. Refer to the chemical resistance chart before choosing a cleaning solution.

Applications: R2W Poli-Glide 8M/BR/BR is in bakery applications, automated packaging machines, canning machines, paper and cardboard converting and as a proofing belt.

* The data specified above are approximate values dependent on belt dimensions, application and environment.