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Part Number: 2-1202 Description: B2000 CBS

Color: Black
Nominal OAG: 0.250" +/- .020
Plies: 1
Fabric: Interwoven Polyester
Minimum Pulley Diameter: 6"
View Profile Minimum Pulley Diameter Chart
Top Surface: Smooth PVC
Bottom Surface: PVC
Compound: PVC
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Work Tension: 200 lbs. PIW
Elongation: Less than 2%
Weight P.I.W. / Ft.: .130 lbs.
Working Temperature: 0F to 180F
Joining Method: Finger Splice; Lacing
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Features: 2-1202 features oil resistant PVC covers on both sides. The tightly woven fabric resists fraying, is stretch resistant and resists bolt pullout.

Applications: B2000 CBS is a popular medium duty bucket elevator belt or can be used as a heavy duty live roller belt. It is static conductive to less than 300 megohms per the OSHA requirement for bucket elevator conveyor belts. Do not use this belt in slider bed applications.

* The data specified above are approximate values dependent on belt dimensions, application and environment.